The Tennessee Correctional Association is a private, non-profit organization that supports and promotes the professional standards and personal development of correction/ detention employees in the state of Tennessee.
Membership is $35.00 per year. You can become a member by submitting an application and membership due to the address indicated on the application. Applicants will receive an e-mail confirmation once your application has been received.
New and current members may also pay their membership dues online and email your membership form to
The benefits for becoming a member are:
· As a member, you are eligible for the Injured Officers Fund.
· As a member, you may register to attend our annual conference. Members receive the state rate or conference rate on hotel accommodations.
· You are eligible for annual awards in several areas of correction.
· As a member, you are eligible to apply for possible scholarships.
The Tennessee Correctional Association strives:
· To provide a professional association of persons, agencies, and organizations, both public and private, who hold in common the goal of improving the profession of corrections and enhancing their contribution to that profession.
· To encourage enrollment, as affiliates of the Association, of other organizations whose areas of interest, expertise, and concern have commonality with the field of corrections and whose goals and principles are consistent with those of the Association.
· To support laws and administrative procedures to safeguard the rights of corrections workers, victims, and offenders in the adult and juvenile correctional process.
· To conduct or sponsor corrections conferences, congresses, institutes, forums, seminars and meetings.
· To broaden and strengthen support for the Association’s goals by advocating Association policies, resolutions, positions, and standards to policymakers and the public and by forming coalitions with other professional organizations sharing these goals.
· To promote recognition of corrections as a profession, and those who work in corrections as professionals, and to ensure validity of that recognition by encouraging the recruitment and development of highly qualified corrections professionals, and by developing and implementing a certification program for corrections professionals.
· To promote the representation of minorities, women, and other protected classes in the ranks of corrections professionals and to inform policymakers and the public of the importance of such representation.
· To promulgate and promote a code of correctional ethics applicable to members of the Association.
· To encourage the membership and involvement of students in the Association to assist them in transitioning from education to employment in the corrections field.
· To stimulate the establishment by universities and other educational institutions of on campus and extension courses preparing interested persons for work in the correctional field and assisting employed personnel in the enhancement and advancement of their careers.
The Tennessee Correctional Association is governed by its executive board and the membership body.